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Human Rights Statement

The Cigna GroupSM supports fundamental human rights for all. While national governments bear the primary responsibility for upholding human rights, we strive to protect human rights through our practices and policies and by complying with the laws of the countries in which we do business. Our commitment to human rights is guided by the laws of the United States governing human rights as well as the following international documents:

The Cigna Group is also a participant of the UN Global Compact and supports the ten principles set out in this framework.


We strive to be a responsible corporate citizen and create a positive impact in the communities where we operate through environmental stewardship, employee engagement, advocacy around access to healthcare and health equity, and charitable contributions.

Access to Healthcare and Health Equity

Our charitable contributions and advocacy are intended, in particular, to reflect and magnify the positive effect of the mission of The Cigna Group to improve the health and vitality of those we serve. By focusing on access to healthcare and health equity, which is the pursuit of the elimination of health disparities, we strive to give individuals the best opportunity to achieve a healthier life. We work closely with clients, customers, non-profit partners, and health advocates in the public and private sectors to address access to healthcare, which we believe to be critically important, as well as health disparities that impact many people and communities. Consequently, we have made a long-term commitment to improving access to healthcare and health equity in the marketplace – deploying strategic and operational resources to improve access to affordable high-quality health care.


At The Cigna Group, we expect our employees to act lawfully toward colleagues, vendors, suppliers, customers, and business partners as outlined in our Code of Ethics and Principles of Conduct. Consequently, The Cigna Group requires employees to take an annual training on the company’s Code of Ethics and Principles of Conduct Policy.

Labor Practices

At The Cigna Group, we are committed to providing working conditions that enable our employees to thrive. Employment is expected to be in compliance with all applicable laws and regulations, including those governing working conditions, compensation, benefits, opportunity, and hours.

We respect each employee’s right to make an informed decision, free of coercion, intimidation, or harassment, about membership in associations and labor unions. Employees have the right to organize and bargain collectively. The Cigna Group is committed to bargaining in good faith with all recognized labor organizations.

Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion

We define diversity in all of the ways in which we are different, yet similar, including race, ethnicity, nationality, gender, veteran status, ability, preferred languages, work styles, generational and cultural facets, sexual orientation, and gender identity. Treating every employee with respect and fostering a culture of inclusion and equity is important to us. To this end, The Cigna Group takes an active, strategic approach to appreciate our individual and collective experiences, different ways of thinking, and diverse communication styles.

Discrimination and Harassment

We do not discriminate in hiring, promotions, salary, or any other terms or conditions of employment based on race, color, sex (including pregnancy), age, disability, veteran status, religion, national origin, ancestry, sexual orientation, gender identity, marital status, domestic partner status, genetic information, or citizenship status. Additionally, we do not tolerate any form of harassment, whether verbal or physical, in the workplace. We address these issue areas comprehensively through our harassment avoidance [PDF] and equal employment opportunity [PDF] policies.

Workplace Health and Safety

The Cigna Group maintains a comprehensive health and safety program and policy that governs all aspects of our business and provides guidance on our interactions with each other, our clients, and our vendors. We continually focus on the health and safety of our employees and their physical workplace conditions and provide a robust safety training program. We are committed to meeting and exceeding industry standards as well as actively adapting to industry changes and advancements.

Child Labor, Forced Labor, and Human Trafficking

We support, follow, and abide by labor laws and regulations in the regions where we conduct business, including those that address child labor, forced labor, and human trafficking. With respect to child labor, The Cigna Group follows the ILO labor standards outlined in Convention Nos. 138 and 182. We do not condone or accept any aspect of forced or compulsory labor and strictly prohibit employees from engaging in human-trafficking related activities. More details on our policy can be found here [PDF].

Vendors, Suppliers, and Business Partners

We expect our business partners – including suppliers and vendors – to share our commitment to respect human rights. The standard supplier contract of The Cigna Group includes our Supplier Code of Ethics [PDF]. This Code addresses integrity in human rights and labor and describes our expectations in the areas of community, child labor, human trafficking, forced labor, wages and working hours, health and safety, freedom of association, non-discrimination, and harassment prevention.

We also promote diversity in our supply base through our Supplier Diversity Program and Supplier Mentor Protégé Program.


We are committed to providing effective resolution to remedy potential violations of human rights. Our Ethics Help Line is available 24 hours a day seven days a week to employees, vendors, suppliers, and business partners. This mechanism offers a secure channel for anonymous reporting of suspected concerns or potential violations of our policies or the law. We support individuals who, in good faith, provide information relating to reports of potential misconduct and our Whistleblower Policy [PDF] prohibits threats or acts of retaliation in any circumstance.

Governance and Oversight

We believe that every employee is responsible for respecting human rights. The implementation of our Human Rights Statement is overseen by the Cigna Connects Corporate Responsibility Governance Council. The Corporate Responsibility Governance Council is a cross-functional team comprised of senior leaders who represent corporate centers and lines of business with lines of sight to environment, social, and governance issues. Updates are periodically provided to the Corporate Governance Committee [PDF] of the Board of Directors of The Cigna Group, which exercises oversight of policies and practices with respect to corporate responsibility matters, including this Human Rights Statement.

We strive to routinely review and refine our approach to addressing human rights. Updates to this version of the Statement were made with input from key internal stakeholders across various enterprise functions. The Senior Director of Corporate Responsibility is responsible for annually reviewing and updating the Human Rights Statement of The Cigna Group. We publicly report on our efforts to respect and protect human rights through our annual Cigna Connects Corporate Responsibility Report.


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