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Mind-Body Connection

Get information and tools to help you and your patients stay emotionally resilient and foster well-being.

Committed to Whole Person Health

We are committed to helping improve emotional wellness for our members, as well as for the providers we work with. Strong resiliency and emotional health can help providers better accomplish daily tasks and stay balanced for life’s unplanned moments.

We’re here to support you—as providers and as people. The information and resources below are given to complement your patient interactions.

Behavioral Health Resources for Patients 

Sometimes, the best advice you can have for your patients—especially when talking about behavioral health—is that they should talk with an expert or specialist in that area. Cigna HealthcareSM has a wide range of behavioral health resources that you can direct them to for more information.

Cigna Healthcare Member Resources

Name of resource
Type of resource
Outline of resource
Where to find it
Cigna Healthcare Behavioral Health Personal Advocate
Phone call
Call with questions 24/7/365 and get help locating a participating behavioral health provider.
Customer service website
Check behavioral health coverage and benefit information and search the online directory for participating providers and facilities.
Behavioral telehealth
Phone call / Video chat
Access personal, confidential, and convenient video-based services from a licensed participating behavioral health provider.
myCigna.com or the number on the back of the customer’s Cigna Healthcare ID card
Network of participating behavioral health providers
Search through a full list of our participating behavioral health provider network.
myCigna.com to search for a participating provider
Employee Assistance Program (EAP)1
Phone call, onsite and virtual seminars, consultative services
Employee Assistance Program (EAP) to help cope with concerns, from family and financial issues to substance use, emotional health, and stress.
myCigna.com and review the coverage page
Managing Stress Toolkit
Toolkit to help support everyday work/life demands.
Lifestyle Management Programs
Phone call / online
Access support for stress management, weight management, and tobacco cessation.

Resources for patients without Cigna Healthcare coverage

Name of resource
Type of resource
Outline of resource
Where to find it
Cigna Healthcare public websites
Learn about the connection between body and mind–and the role that stress plays.
Explore resources and webinars on a range of behavioral health topics.
Veteran Support Line
Call 24/7/365 for a wide range of assistance to veterans and their caregivers and families.


Your time is valuable. That’s why we have a Preventive Care Administrative Policy [PDF] that provides guidance on how to bill preventive care services and screenings, as well as the codes that represent these services. For the majority of your patients, these are all covered at 100% with no cost-share.2

Help Your Patients Avoid Surprise Bills

If a patient’s preventive visit reveals an illness or condition that needs immediate care—including treatment for stress, depression, or drug and alcohol dependence—you may bill for a routine office visit in addition to the preventive visit, as appropriate. However, if you do bill for a routine office visit in addition to the preventive visit, help your patients avoid “surprise” bills by informing them that they will most likely incur out-of-pocket expenses for the additional services.


Not all patients will be open about how they're feeling—physically and emotionally. They may not even be aware that something is wrong. That's why we encourage you to use these nationally published tools that can help you screen your patients for the presence of common behavioral health issues like depression or substance use. These tools can also be used to supplement the screening you may already be doing.

Resilience and Emotional Wellness

Research shows that resilience is closely linked to mental and physical health, stress, anxiety, self-worth, self-esteem, sense of belonging, academic and professional achievement, and several other factors that play a role in whole-person health.

We are here to help you take a well-rounded approach to improving emotional wellness—for yourself and for your patients.

To further our mission of building healthier communities, we commissioned the Cigna Resilience Index, in partnership with Michael Ungar, Ph.D., Professor of Social Work at Dalhousie University and Director of the Resilience Research Centre. Through this work, Cigna Healthcare has lead the largest study into the state of resilience in America.

From these insights, we have created a new framework to help people G.R.O.W. in the face of challenges and become more resilient:

G – Ground yourself in the situation. Write down your ideal outcome.

R – Recognize what you can control. Commit to one thing you can tackle today.

O – Organize the resources you need. Access expert resources.

W – Work with your community for support. Remember that asking for help is a sign of strength.

Hear from Our Experts:

Cigna Resilience: Providers can build greater resilience with GROW Forth

Dr. Lustig talks about the importance of resilience and applying the framework of GROW Forth.
Watch Video

Cigna Resilience: How providers can build greater resilience for themselves and their patients

Dr. Nemecek talks about actions providers can take to improve resilience.
Watch Video

Cigna Resilience: Providers can build greater resilience with GROW Forth

Cigna Resilience: How providers can build greater resilience for themselves and their patients

Managing Stress

Over 84% of the world’s population is stressed.3 As a health care provider, you’re well aware of the impact stress can have on physical health. That’s why the sooner you and your patients can manage stress, the better. We have tools and information that can help you and your patients take control of stress, including a quick online quiz to determine stress levels. It starts with a PLAN.

P – Period of time to unwind

L – Location to destress

A – Activity to enjoy

N – Name of someone to talk to

Take the stress quiz

Hear from an Expert on the Effects of Stress

Dr. Stuart Lustig, National Medical Executive for Behavioral Health at Cigna Healthcare, talks about
Watch Video

Hear from an Expert on the Effects of Stress

Sleep Disturbances

The impacts of stress can show in many ways—specifically, as a main contributor of sleep disturbances. It’s important as a health care provider to take action to maintain or improve your sleep so you can be focused while caring for patients.

Watch Sleep Tips for Providers

Learn some helpful at-home tips to help improve your sleep.
Watch Video

Watch Sleep Tips for Providers


The loneliness epidemic is increasing–3 in 5 Americans (61%) are lonely in 2019, compared to 54% in 2018.4 Despite these significant numbers, it can be difficult to identify patients who are suffering from chronic loneliness, as the symptoms and signs can differ for each person. Chronic loneliness is an ongoing sense of isolation that some people feel, even when they are surrounded by people and seem otherwise happy.

To help assist your patients who may be suffering from loneliness, Cigna Healthcare created the loneliness hub, which offers innovative, whole-person solutions and resources to help combat the mental health crisis.

Visit the Cigna Healthcare loneliness hub

1 Not available to all patients with Cigna Healthcare coverage.

2 Eligible preventive care services are covered at 100% with no patient cost-share only when performed by a participating provider. Services performed by non-participating providers may not be covered at 100%. Additional services or treatments performed in the same office visits preventive services may incur out-of-pocket costs for your patients when billed separately. Certain codes may only be covered when provided at a separate encounter from the preventive care evaluation and management (E+M) office visit. Please refer to the policy for guidance on appropriate codes for reporting a preventive service.

3 Cigna Healthcare 360° Global Well–Being Survey, 2019, https://www.cignaglobal.com/blog/healthcare/2019-cigna-wellbeing-survey. Based on Cigna Healthcare 360° Global Well-Being Survey of 13,200 people across 23 markets: Australia, Benelux, Canada, China, France, Germany, Hong Kong, India, Indonesia, Korea, New Zealand, Nigeria, Saudi Arabia, Singapore, South Africa, Spain, Taiwan, Thailand, Turkey, UAE, UK, and USA.

4 Cigna Healthcare U.S. Loneliness Index, Cigna Healthcare, Published January 2020

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