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    How Many Miles Should I Walk a Day?

    It’s common for people to talk about how many steps per day they walk, but it’s easier to track exercise according to how often you do it and for how long. Exercising 30 minutes each day, at least 5 days a week, is a simple guideline to start with.

    Why should I walk every day?

    Walking is a cheap and easy way to help improve or maintain your health. It can help you lose weight, tone muscles, strengthen your bones, and manage stress.

    How many miles should I walk a day?

    If exercise is new for you, start with a simple-to-achieve daily goal such as walking for just a few minutes, five days a week. As your fitness improves, increase your time. The recommended amount of moderate daily physical activity is 30 minutes. Tracking the amount of time you walk or exercise, is easier than tracking steps.

    How many steps should I walk a day?

    There are many kinds of devices and apps you can use to track how many steps per day you’ve taken. You can also track your progress based on the length of time spent walking. Simply take note of the time you start and finish to see how you improve over time.

    Why do so many people talk about walking 10,000 steps a day?

    Walking 10,000 steps a day was first promoted by a company that makes pedometers, which are electronic devices that track your steps. Customers began posting the distances they have achieved online and the trend took hold.

    How can I walk more?

    Try the following to help increase how many steps per day you walk:

    • Take the stairs instead of the elevator or escalator.
    • Go for a walk after dinner instead of watching TV or scrolling through social media and the internet.
    • Encourage others to join you in a friendly competition around the amount of time you walk each day.

    Walking can greatly improve your health, helping you lose weight, tone muscles, and manage your stress levels. While many people use a device or app to track how many steps per day they take, monitoring the amount of time spent exercising each day is the easiest way to work toward fitness goals. Walking 30 minutes each day is easier than you think!


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  • This information is for educational purposes only. It is not medical advice. Always consult your doctor for appropriate examinations, treatment, testing, and care recommendations, including prior to beginning a new exercise program.

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