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Brace (Orthotic) Treatment for Scoliosis

Treatment Overview

A normal spine—which is the line of bones going down your back—is usually straight or slightly curved. In scoliosis, the spine curves from side to side, often in an S or C shape. It may also be twisted. Scoliosis can affect adults, but it usually is found in children between the ages of 10 and 16. Scoliosis can limit your child's growth. In very bad cases, your child's lungs may not be able to hold enough air. That can cause the heart to work harder to pump blood.

Young people who have scoliosis usually do not have symptoms, but some may have back pain.

If your child has mild scoliosis, they may need only to see a doctor every several months to make sure the curve is not getting worse. A child who has moderate scoliosis may need a brace. A brace usually stops the curve from getting worse, but it is not able to correct or straighten the spine. Scoliosis that is very bad may need surgery. Scoliosis and its treatment can be hard on a child. Your child may be embarrassed by wearing a brace. Think about taking your child to a scoliosis clinic, where other children are being treated. It may help your child cope with the condition.

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