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    Korea Candidate Privacy Policy and Terms & Conditions

    Last Updated: August 2020

    Candidate Privacy Policy (career site)

    The Cigna GroupSM Corporation and its affiliated entities (together, “The Cigna Group”) are committed to protecting the personal information of those seeking employment opportunities with The Cigna Group. As a global business, The Cigna Group operates in many different countries. Some of these countries have laws related to the collection, use, transfer and disclosure of the personal information of individuals, including employment candidates. We take these obligations very seriously, and we are committed to protecting the privacy of those seeking employment opportunities with us. For Korea, this Candidate Consent for the Processing of Personal information (“Consent”) seeks your consent to (1) our collection and use of personal information, (2) cross-border provision of personal information to third parties, and (3) processing of sensitive information.

    We have attached The Cigna Group Candidate Privacy Policy (“Candidate Privacy Policy”) to this Consent. Please review the Candidate Privacy Policy carefully prior to completing the Consent.

    I confirm that I have received, read and understood the Candidate Privacy Policy attached hereto.

    1. Collection and Use of Personal Information (Mandatory)

    I hereby agree to the collection and use of my personal information by The Cigna Group in the manner described below.

    • Items of Personal Information to be Collected
    • Purpose(s) of Collection/Use
    • Period of Retention/Use

    ※ You have the right to refuse to give consent to the collection and use of your personal information by The Cigna Group such as the above. However, in doing so, you may not able to enter into an employment agreement with The Cigna Group or you may not be eligible for other employment-related opportunities.

    2. (Cross-border) Provision of Personal Information to Third Parties (Mandatory)

    I hereby agree to the (cross-border) provision of my personal information by The Cigna Group to a third party in the manner described below.

    • Third Party (“Recipient”) to whom the Personal Information is to be Provided
    • Purpose of Use of the Personal Information by Recipient
    • Items of Personal Information to be Provided to Recipient
    • Period of Retention/Use by Recipient

    ※ You have the right to refuse to give consent to the provision of your personal information by The Cigna Group to Recipients such as above. However, in doing so, you may not able to enter into an employment agreement with The Cigna Group or you may not be eligible for other employment-related opportunities.

    3. Processing of Sensitive Information (Mandatory)

    I hereby agree to the processing (i.e., collection/use, provision, outsourcing) of my sensitive information by The Cigna Group.

    • Items of Sensitive Information to be Collected
    • Purpose(s) of Collection/Use
    • Period of Retention/Use

    ※ You have the right to refuse to give consent to the collection and use of your personal information by The Cigna Group such as the above. However, in doing so, you may not able to enter into an employment agreement with The Cigna Group or you may not be eligible for other employment-related opportunities.

    I confirm that I have received the information above provided by The Cigna Group in accordance with local applicable laws.

    Terms & Conditions

    In order to be considered for employment at The Cigna Group you will be required to adhere to the following:

    Hiring process will be followed by company’s policy. Foreigners should provide a proof of authorization to work in Korea accordance to Korean regulation

    Company may request medical check or criminal history check if necessary. Company can require medical check certification, in suspicious case of illegal alcohol or drug use, or travel history to contagious disease spread areas.

    You must successfully pass a background check and reference check.

    The types of checks may include, but are not limited to, criminal, verification of residence, credit, motor vehicle and state insurance records. Should The Cigna Group decide to offer you a position, you would be required to sign an Authorization for Release form. Your actual employment would depend on satisfactory reports from these checks.

    Clicking "Submit" on the following page grants The Cigna Group permission to contact your schools, professional organization and previous employers (including current employer), and releases them from any liability resulting from providing the information requested.

    Should you become an employee of The Cigna Group and receive any overpayment of salary or benefits (including short-term disability), The Cigna Group may, to the extent allowed by law, recover overpayments by taking deductions from future paychecks or any unused vacation days.

    If you are subject to any agreement with any current or previous employer, including but not limited to, any non-solicitation or non-compete agreement or policy, you represent that it will not prevent your becoming an employee of The Cigna Group nor prevent you from performing all the duties and responsibilities of the position with The Cigna Group for which you applied, or to which you are assigned, if hired. You further agree that if any agreement(s) with any current or former employers prevent you from performing any tasks or duties as assigned to you by The Cigna Group, that you will immediately bring such to the attention of The Cigna Group. If The Cigna Group determines that any agreement(s) interfere with your ability to perform any assigned duties or tasks, The Cigna Group reserves the right to re-assign you to a different position within The Cigna Group or discontinue your employment.

    During your employment with The Cigna Group, you will have access to our proprietary and confidential information and are reminded that this valuable information is to be used for the exclusive benefit of The Cigna Group and, without proper and appropriate authorization in writing from The Cigna Group, may not be disclosed, used or reproduced.

    We also want to remind you of your obligation to preserve the trade secrets and confidential information of your current and prior employers. In this regard, you must not bring any such materials to The Cigna Group or otherwise use such materials as part of your work for The Cigna Group.

    I understand that if hired by The Cigna Group, nothing in this application and nothing at any time communicated to me about my rights as an employee, regardless of source, limit in any way my right to resign from my employment with a The Cigna Group company at any time for any reason or my employer's right to withdraw an offer of employment, or to terminate my employment at any time for any reason.

    I agree that in return for being considered for employment and/or receiving an offer of employment, I will resolve any dispute about my candidacy for employment, employment or cessation of employment exclusively through the internal and external employment dispute resolution processes of my employer, which includes final and binding arbitration with a neutral arbitrator. I understand that my employer also agrees to follow the dispute resolution processes and that copies of the policies and procedures describing the dispute resolution processes are available to me.

    I agree to fulfill all of the requirements listed above and understand that any misrepresentation or omission of facts on this Employment Application is sufficient cause for my disqualification from employment or my dismissal.

    I understand that The Cigna Group routinely delivers information, including important notifications, electronically, and I agree to accept these notifications electronically.

  • Obtener una tarjeta ID
  • Presentar un reclamo
  • Ver mis reclamos y EOB
  • Verificar la cobertura de mi plan
  • Ver la lista de medicamentos con receta
  • Buscar un médico, dentista o centro dentro de la red
  • Buscar un formulario
  • Buscar información del formulario de impuestos 1095-B
  • Ver el Glosario de Cigna Healthcare
  • Comunicarme con Cigna Healthcare
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  • Internacional
  • Maneja tu cuenta
  • Portal myCigna para miembros
  • Portal para proveedores
  • Cigna para empleadores
  • Cigna para agentes
  • Cigna Healthcare. Todos los derechos reservados.
  • Privacidad
  • Términos de uso
  • Avisos legales
  • Divulgaciones, exclusiones y limitaciones de las políticas estatales
  • Transparencia en la cobertura
  • Derechos de los clientes
  • Accesibilidad
  • Aviso sobre no discriminación
  • Asistencia idiomática [PDF]
  • Reportar fraude
  • Mapa del sitio
  • Aviso de privacidad de los datos de salud de los consumidores de Washington
  • Configuración de cookies
  • Aviso legal

    La disponibilidad de los productos puede variar según la ubicación y el tipo de plan, y está sujeta a cambios. Todas las pólizas de seguro de salud y todos los planes de beneficios de salud tienen exclusiones y limitaciones. Revisa los documentos del plan o comunícate con un representante de Cigna Healthcare para conocer los costos y los detalles de cobertura.

    Todos los productos y servicios de Cigna Healthcare son proporcionados exclusivamente por o a través de subsidiarias operativas de The Cigna Group Corporation, incluidas Cigna Health and Life Insurance Company, Cigna HealthCare of Arizona, Inc., Cigna HealthCare of Georgia, Inc., Cigna HealthCare of Illinois, Inc., Cigna HealthCare of North Carolina, Inc. y Cigna HealthCare of Texas, Inc. Los planes de beneficios de salud y los seguros de salud de grupo están asegurados o son administrados por CHLIC, Connecticut General Life Insurance Company (CGLIC) o sus afiliadas (consulta una lista de las entidades legales que aseguran o administran productos y servicios de HMO de grupo, HMO dentales y de otro tipo en tu estado). Los planes o las pólizas de seguro por lesiones accidentales, enfermedades críticas y cuidado hospitalario son distribuidos exclusivamente por o a través de subsidiarias operativas de The Cigna Group Corporation, son administrados por Cigna Health and Life Insurance Company y están asegurados por (i) Cigna Health and Life Insurance Company (Bloomfield, CT). El nombre Cigna Healthcare, el logotipo y otras marcas de Cigna Healthcare son propiedad de Cigna Intellectual Property, Inc. Este sitio web no está dirigido a los residentes de New Mexico.

    Al seleccionar estos enlaces, saldrás de hacia otro sitio web que podría no ser un sitio web de Cigna Healthcare. Cigna Healthcare no puede controlar el contenido ni los enlaces de sitios web que no son de Cigna Healthcare. Detalles

    La aseguradora publica el formulario traducido para fines informativos y la versión en inglés prevalece para fines de solicitud e interpretación.

    The insurer is issuing the translated form on an informational basis and the English version is controlling for the purposes of application and interpretation.